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The Wedding Slinger

I hadn’t thought much about it until finding myself working as a professional card-slinger, but weddings really are the perfect place to do some friendly divination.

My dog Novio and I as guests and diviners at our first wedding

Last weekend was the second time I’ve performed as a fortune-teller at a wedding. I guess you could say I’m #blessed.

Wedding tarot solidifies my love for cards, my love for others, and my love for love itself. Seeing everyone all dressed up and in such high spirits really raises the vibe, too.

In many ways, working events is similar to working the hotlines. The fortunes are quick and almost everyone is a stranger (at first!). But here’s how it differs from the hotlines: we can look each other in the eye, we can both touch the cards and the table, we feel the same light breeze on our skins and the same laughter and cheer in the background. Though the fortunes are quick, they’re not paying by the minute, so there isn’t really a time pressure. We all know the fortune isn’t meant to be in-depth, but rather a little taste of divination.

At events, you also get to see me looking real cute.

This gig fell on my lap, so to speak, thanks to my beloved friend Miriam Valencia (thanks for championing my tarot endeavors from the start!), who was doing divination with me before we even knew it was a thing (in high school we would play songs on shuffle and try to divine messages from the lyrics).

Miriam and her friends have a really well-thought-out and curated look (and at least a handful of them work in advertising), so I wasn’t surprised when people from the wedding party contacted me about color schemes and the outfit they would like me to wear on the big day.

Wedding tarot color scheme

Wedding tarot fortune-telling outfit

While getting ready before heading out though, I had a moment of intuition. I was about to wear jeans and a t-shirt, knowing I’d have to change at the venue anyway, but something pushed me to wear something nice and in accordance with the proposed color scheme. When I arrived, the maid of honor told me she couldn’t find my outfit, and thank goodness I looked cute anyway. Score!

my set-up at Mas Terrats, the gorgeous wedding venue

The wedding venue (Mas Terrats) was stunning. I’m pretty sure love was literally in the air. I’d arrived early, with just enough time to take it all in and do a quick fortune for the owner, a woman who struck me as kind and wise.

Then the guests started pouring in happily and three and a half hours went by before I could check the time.

I’d been asked to only tell “good” fortunes.

Any professional tarot reader knows this is by no means an impossible or even difficult feat. It’s all in how you form the question before pulling cards.

I structured it like this: I’d pull three cards for each person who sat at my table. They could choose one of three options as to what those cards would signify:

-Three good things coming your way

-Your three hidden talents

-The three qualities your people most love about you

Most people, of course, chose the first option. Who doesn’t want a happy glimpse into the future?

I told too many fortunes to remember and had such a great time telling people how they would be brave, how they would celebrate their success, how they would overcome their anxieties and have the summer of their lives.

The set-up

The good vibe still lives in me almost a week after the fact. Cheers to weddings, to good fortunes, to love!

And cheers to my little dog, Novio, who got carsick on the way there but enjoyed the smells of nature.

A carsick boy, a good boy, my baby boy

Novio in nature, probably wondering where tf I am